Dr Vijay Kumar is Director in Interventional Cardiology at Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi. He has a vast experience of 18 years in the field of Intervention Cardiology and does Angioplasties and Valve Interventions of all kinds. He developed the primary Angioplasty programme and the Chest Pain pathway at the Institute in his early years of Intervention. The new area of his responsibility in the Institute is Heart Valve Therapy and has a great role in spreading awareness of TAVI Therapy amongst the patients and physicians. He is passionately involved from the scratch of the programme and transformed it into a high-Volume Centre for TAVI and Valve clinic of excellence. He is a proctor for the Therapy . He heads the TAVR Programme and Heart Valve Clinic at the institute. On the academic front , he is the Programme Director DNB teaching and training at FEHI . He is also Member National Intervention Council of India.He is involved in numerous trials and publications from the institute.